Have you had the opportunity to fly on a Boeing 737-900? Or did you mostly fly on the 737-800 or 737-8MAX? Today, we'll be having a look at my Korean's Air 737-900 experience from Fukuoka to their hub in Icheon Seoul Airport. Korean Air's 737-900s are similar to other 737s, with only 2 cabins - a business cabin configured in a 2-2 lay out; and an economy cabin in a 3-3 configuration.
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Last time, we introduced the B747 of the new cabin of China Airlines. This time, we will introduce the B747-400 of the old cabin! What's more,China Airlines had also retired the B747, so I could only reminisce about the memories of the past.
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Our flight record will introduce a route that it just took only 60 minutes from Taiwan to Japan this time. Does anyone know what is the route ? Let's us tell you, the answer was not from Taipei to Okinawa, this route was shorter than Taipei to Okinawa!!
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上一次,我們介紹了大韓航空的B747-8商務艙,這次我們就介紹一下另一種也是波音公司的機隊 – B787-9飛機。
Last time, we introduced the B747-8 business class of Korean Air. This time we will introduce another aircraft that it is also Boeing's fleet -- the B787-9 aircraft.
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Anky and Kurtis introduce an airline that has never been introduced before. The ticket of this airline is also very cheap, and like Turkish Airlines, if you want to fly to Europe, it is also an airline you will think so, but a thing is not good that if you fly from Hong Kong, this will be the morning flight. It is difficult to rest on the plane.
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There are more and more A350s of China Airlines, and they mainly operated long haul flights. If you want to try A350 business class or premium economy class or economy class, and you want to take a cheaper price, you can choose the Hong Kong-Taiwan line or Japan-Taiwan line. When ANKY was providing services to Hong Kong on the A350, I had already sat it several times
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Anky and Kurtis introduce B747-400 aircraft again.Why do I ask that?? I think it is a serious question that most of airlines retired B747-400 aircraft now,such as China Airlines,British Airways,Qantas.
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We introduced many Hong Kong to Taipei Taoyuan Airport before, so we introduce Hong Kong to Kaohsiung routing on China Airlines!!
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之前我們跟大家介紹過韓亞航空A380的飛行報告,這次就跟大家介紹天合聯盟的大韓航空B747-8 商務艙吧!
We introduced A380 of Asiana Airlines before, so we will introduce you Skyteam Member Korean Air B747-8 business class this time.
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ANKY N KURTIS 發表在 痞客邦 留言(2) 人氣()
你有坐過B747嗎?? Did you take B747 before??
Anky和Kurtis是有坐過了,哈哈。這次我們為大家介紹華航的"女皇" B747-400飛機,而且不是介紹港台線。
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