Overview 簡介
Airline 航空公司: Air Canada 加拿大航空(AC/ACA)
Aircraft Type 機型: 787-8
Aircraft Rego 註冊編號: C-GHPV
Cabin Class 機艙: Business 商務艙
Flight No. 航班編號: AC106
Flight Route 航線: YVR-YYZ
Seat 座位: 1A
Date 日期: 19/1/2021
Air Canada's 787-8s have the newest business class product onboard, while the same also goes for the 787-9s, 77Ws, and A330s. Its business class, which is otherwise known as 'Signature Class', features the latest IFE system, flatbeds and seats that come with lumbar support and massage function. For those who have flown on China Airlines' 777-300ER and A350 business class, you'll find these seats familiar as they are manufactured by the same designer.
加拿大航空的787-8配有最新的商務艙設施,同樣的產品也可以在777-300ER, 787-9 和 A330上找到。加航的商務艙叫做Signature Class,配有最新的娛樂系統,可完全平躺的座位,背部支撐和按摩的功能。如果你是中華航空的商務艙常客(A350/777),你不會對加航的商務艙感到陌生,因為他們是同一個設計公司的出品。
With a journey of about 4.5 hours, these seats cost about 1500 CDN in cash (33610 TWD).
這趟旅程大約4.5小時,花費約 1500加幣,即大約 33610 台幣。
Route 路線簡介
The route that we'll be flying today spans a distance of approximately 3355km as it flies across most of the southern Canadian province.
This route is also operated by 2 other major Canadian airlines, Westjet and Air Transat. But because of financial hardships and reduction in demand due to the pandemic, Westjet has greatly scaled down its services on ths route and Air Transat has ceased operations.
這個航線亦由加拿大的西捷航空及Air Transat營運。但由於疫症期間受到需求下跌和營運困難的原因,西捷航空在這條航線上的航班大大減少,而Air Transat更是暫停營運。
Seat 座位
When you're settling into your seat, you'll find a pack of duvet and blanket already in your seat. When requested to a crew, your seat can be converted into a comfortable bed.
One downside of these seats is the absence of neck support on the headrest, which make it slgihtly uncomfortable when you just want to doze off briefly or just simply rest your head on the siide while looking out the window
Amenities kit is now a comfort pack with a bottle of hand sanitiser,a bottle of water, pretzels as well as earphones that are semi noise-cancelling; there is also plenty of storage room
Seat customisations and other miscellaneous controls are located in this touchscreen control
Today we're seated at the very pointy end of the Dreamliner
Flight Meal 飛機餐
Although some parts of the service have been reduced, the flight meal still remain somewhat decent. On this morning flight, we were served a full breakfast with a hot main.
The business class menu was inspired by Chef Antonio Park, a chef based in Montreal.
雖然有一部分的服務因疫情減少了,但飛機餐的部分還是沒有令人失望。這趟旅程上,我們有豐富的早餐。早餐的menu是由蒙特利爾的名廚Antonio Park度身訂造的。
On the menu today was some fruit yogurts and nuts to start with, alongside with a blueberry loaf as well as a croissant. The main was a delicious parsley omelette, chicken sausage, cottage cheese, roasted red skin potatoes complimented by a red pepper relish
Ready to open the Pandora's box?
Mouthwatering isn't it?
The view as we flew above The Rockies
Service 服務
The quality of service vary among different flights but I haven't flown Air Canada enough to provide a conclusive opinion for the airline, so I'll just make comments specific to this flight.
To my disappointment, the best airline in North America failed to justify itself on my first flight with them. The gate agents felt like they're not happy about their job as they just simply waved me through after checking my boarding pass without saying anything like 'enjoy your flight' or 'have a great day', which happened on my return flight with Westjet.
Service onboard was also a bit udnerwhelming. The crew were more interested in their own chitchat rather than being enthusiastic about their job.
With all that negativity being said, on my other cross-country flight with Air Canada in business class, it was the opposite to what I've experienced on this flight.
Conclusion 總結
What's hot: breakfast and business class products
What's not: underwhelming crew and the soft touches
I'm yet to give a fair and conclusive opnion on Air Canada's quality of service in general as I haven't flown them enough. But with more travelling opportunities coming within Canada, I believe a fair verdict can be come up with.
I still hold belief that Air Canada is dedicated to provide superior service to its customers
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