I don't know KURTIS introduced MH433 extra legroom economy class, OR ANKY introduced Singapore/Kuala Lumpur business class which make you fall in love with Malaysia Airlines or not?? Will you change Malaysia Airlines’ views? ANKY will introduce Malaysia Airlines flights again,but I will introduce another version B737-800 which is the old version of the B737-800, I don’t know did you take it before?
吉隆坡國際機場 Kuala Lumpur International Airport
- 馬來西亞航空其中一個主要基地 One of the Malaysia Airlines's home based
- 馬來西亞航空使用第一航廈,第二航廈是亞洲航空 Malaysia Airlines operated in T1 and Air Asia operated in T2
- 所有大飛機停在中埸客運廊 All wide aircraft is parked in midfield terminal
馬來西亞航空 Malaysia Airlines
- 機隊 Aircraft Type of Malaysia Airlines : B737-800,A330-200,A330-300,A350-900,A380-800
- 吉隆坡有3個自營貴賓室 There are 3 MH own lounges : 中場貴賓室 MIDFIELD GOLDEN LOUNGE, 主客運廊貴賓室 MAIN TERMINAL LOUNGE 和 AND 國內線貴賓室 DOMESTIC LOUNGE
Anky did check-in and took the boarding pass and checked in my baggage after I arrived airport and MH business class counter. Then,I went to lounge.
由於MH784當天使用B737-800,所以飛機停在H10登機門 Due to MH784 operated narrow body aircraft B737-800, aircraft parked H10 gate
我選了主客運廊貴賓室,到達後便看到了自己會坐的飛機.而且是舊的LOGO . I chose the lounge which located in main terminal. I saw my aircraft which was the old MH livery when I arrived the lounge.
MH784 飛行資訊 Flight Information of MH784:
- 艙位 Class : 商務艙 Business Class
- 座位 Seat : 1C
- 登機時間 Boarding Time : 0740
- 起飛時間 Schedule Time of Departure : 0840
- 飛行日期 Date of Flying: 30 AUG 2018
- 飛行時間 Duration Time : 1小時5分鐘/ 1HR05MINS
- 登機門 Boarding Gate: H10
You would see only an aisle inside the aircraft after you were onboard because it was a narrow body aircraft B737-800.What's more,economy class passengers needed to pass the business class cabin before they arrived economy class cabin.
- 座位配置 Seat Configuration: 2-2
- 座位顏色 Colour of Seat : 黑色 Black colour
- 座位沒有個人電視 No Personal TV in this aircraft
- 在登機前,座位已有毛毯,枕頭 Pillow and blanket preset in your seat
- 商務艙共有16個座位 There are 16 busienss class seats
- 共有4排 Rows of total : 4
- 椅袋內有安全須知卡,馬航的雜誌 MH magazine and Safety card located the seat pocket
- 餐單就由空服人員親手提供 Crew gave you menu directly
**MH784 is a morning flight which provide Brunch or Breakfast,so there is not SATAY service **
起飛後 After Take Off
空服便馬上派發飛機餐,當天只有3個選擇 : 第一個是每個人都一定會試的馬來西亞椰汁飯(NASI LEMAK) ; 第二個是奄列,西式早餐 ; 第三個是吃牛的餐。ANKY仔選擇了西式早餐,因為我不想學上一次MH366的經驗,所以我不敢再叫NASI LEMAK了
Crew distuibuted the meal service after the flight took off. There were 3 options,the first one was NASI LEMAK.Second one was omelette,western style breakfast.The last one was beef set breakfast. Anky chose Omelette because I did not want the last experience in MH366,I did not order NASI LEMAK.
- 餐點很豐富 The meal service is great
- 沒提供麵包,但有牛油 No Bread or Bun provided but had butter
- 水果很甜 Fruits were so sweet and yummy
- 蛋和腸仔好好吃 Omelette and Sausages were delicious too
** 奇怪的是不知道為什麼沒提供飲料,只給了我們一杯水,空服就服務其他旅客了 **
**The amazing thing was the crew did not distribute drinks during the meal sevice,she just gave us a cup of water before she served other passenger **
吃完飛機餐後,空服在收餐的時候,飛機也開始下降前往曼谷了 Crew collected the tray after the meal service. Meanwhile,the flight was descenting to Bangkok Airport too.
總結 Summary:
- 機票很便宜 The round trip ticket is quite cheap.
- 航班多,但主要是B737-800飛機執飛 Malaysia Airlines provides many flights,but they operate narrow body aircraft (B737-800) more
- 服務比較簡單 The service is very simple and classic
- 飛機餐豐富,但沒提供飲料,麵包是扣分的環節 The catering is quite great.However,they did not provide beverages and bread or bun which was points deducted
- 座位舒適度和私隱度差 Seat comfort and privacy are very worst.
- 馬來西亞航空MH607飛行記錄 Malaysia Airlines MH607 Flight Review
- 全世界第二繁忙的新加坡吉隆坡線 The second busiest routing of the world SIN/KUL
- 馬來西亞航空最渺無人煙的經濟艙 Malaysia Airlines Private Economy Cabin
- 馬來西亞航空MH366吉隆坡/台北 Malaysia Airlines MH366 KUL/TPE
- (國內線系列 DOMESTIC FLIGHT 2) 馬來西亞航空MH2607 A350商務套房 MALAYSIA AIRLINES MH2607 A350 Business Suite