
A friend talked about our previous flight records of Asiana Airlines A380-800, and they wanted us to write more Korean flight records, and they needed different airlines, so we decided to write this flight record.


飛行資訊 Flight Information :

  • 航空公司 Airlines : 馬來西亞航空公司 Malaysia Airlines
  • 航班 Flight No : MH67
  • 航線 Route: 首爾仁川 / 吉隆坡 ICN-KUL
  • 機型 Aircraft Type: 空中巴士A330-300 Airbus A330-300
  • 艙位 Class : 商務艙 Business Class
  • 座位 Seat : 6K
  • 飛行日期 Date of Departure : 20191023
  • 起飛時間 Schedule Time of Departure : 11:00am (韓國時間,UTC+7,South Korea Time UTC+7)
  • 聯盟 Alliance : 寰宇一家 Oneworld
  • 貴賓室 Lounge : 大韓航空T1貴賓室 Korean Air Terminal 1
  • 航廈 Terminal : 第一航廈 Terminal 1



今天的MH67航班由9M-MTK A330-300執飛,飛行時間約為6小時 MH67 flight was operated by 9M-MTK,A330-300 today, and the flight time was about 6 hours



由於馬航A330-300的商務艙是1-2-1,1-2-2的,所以今天的座位6K是比較多空間 Since the business class of Malaysia Airlines A330-300 is 1-2-1, 1-2-2, there is more space for 6K seats today.

A330 SEAT MAP.jpg

(圖片來至馬來西亞航空官網 Picture was from Malaysia Airlines official website) 


A330-300商務艙的座位 A330-300 business class seats:

A330 J.jpg


A330-300加長腳部經濟艙的座位 A330-300 Economy Class seats with extra legroom :


A330-300經濟艙的座位 A330-300 economy class seats:

A330 Y CLASS.jpg

(圖片來至馬來西亞航空官網 Picture was from Malaysia Airlines official website)

空服見你坐下就會分別送上歡迎飲料和熱毛巾 The flight attendant would give you a welcome drink and hot towel after you sat down


  • 柳橙汁 Orange Juice


另外,我也問了空服人員拿了拖鞋 In addition, I also asked the flight attendant to take slippers




After that, we will show you the menu of the day, including Malaysia Airlines’ famous SATAY. Since the plane took off at 11 o'clock in the morning, so the first meal on the plane is lunch, and the menu below was a snack or refreshment that could be ordered at any time of the flight




The plane has taken off,the flight attendants have also begun to distribute food. The first is SATAY, with chicken and beef options. At the same time, the flight attendant would provide you with a cold towel and beverage, and I chose orange juice, but I through Malaysia Airlines’ orange juice was a bit different




After enjoyed SATAY, I believed that many people would ask for more SATAY, because we saw that at least 3-4 people would ask for it again. We wondered if they could't eat other things



The flight attendant received the empty dishes from SATAY, and another flight attendant began to launch the dining car to distribute the tray, and then asked the passengers what to choose for the appetizer. The appetizer of the day was shrimp salad (salad) or tomato soup. I prefered soup, so I chose Tomato soup, the flight attendant would be in front of you, pour out the soup in the heat preservation pot, and add 2-3 biscuits in the soup


試了以後,可以告訴你們.湯是暖偏冷的,因為你可以想想空服問了前面的人也需要時間,而壺也會打開無數次,所以我們建議如果你要選湯的,請選擇前面的座位,應該會好一點點。After tried it, I could tell you. The soup was cold, because you could think the crew asked the person in front of us. It would take time, and the pot would open many times, so we suggested that if you want to choose the soup, please choosing the front seat should be a little better.



After the appetizer was delivered to you, the flight attendant would immediately took a bread basket and gave u to choose bread. There were 3 types of bread in the bread basket. Since it was lunch, the bread selection would provide garlic bags


空服太熱情,給了我多一個包 The flight attendant was very friendly and warm and gave me an extra bag



After finished my lunch, the flight attendant would come to your seat and took back the appetizer dish, and they would ask your main course choice immediately, so remembered to look at the menu after you ate the appetizer and chose the main course!! ANKY chose the second choices -- beef Noodles, in fact, ANKY is 80% full after ate the appetizer, so I didn’t enjoy much



Since we were already too full, after the main course was completed, we called the flight attendants to take back the tray, and put away the table, we started to rest, watch TV, and relax.




Since many people have begun to lie down and rest, the flight attendants also hope that passengers sitting on the windows would pull down the window blind to make the cabin darker. Due to it was too dark, I also closed my eyes and fell asleep.


飛了也不知道多久,空服就看到我起來,回到廚房又到我旁邊,問我有沒有甚麼想吃或需要飲料等,我有一點點肚子餓,所以叫了麵和一杯日本綠茶。我去了一下洗手間,空服看到我回到座位,就把餐送到我的餐桌 I didn't know how long I had flew, the flight attendant saw me get up, she went back to the kitchen and came next to me, asking me if I wanted to eat or need a drink, etc., I was a little hungry, so I ordered noodles and a cup of Japanese green tea . I went to the bathroom, and the flight attendant saw me back to my seat and distributed the meal to my table




After the refreshment, there was still more than an hour of flight time, so I watched TV. Finally, the plane arrived early at the midfield concourse of Kuala Lumpur International Airport (because it is a large aircraft, the plane must be stopped at the boarding gate of center C)


    創作者 ANKY N KURTIS 的頭像


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