Flight Info 航班資訊

Flight No. 航班: CX865

Seat 座位: 33D

Aircraft 機型: A350-1000 (B-LXE)


Intro 資訊

This was my first time flying on Cathay Pacific's premium economy product so I was extremely thrilled, given that it was also on a long haul flight, taking me from Vancouver to Hong Kong.  This 14-hour journey was also my first time back in Hong Kong in 3 years.



Check-in 辦理登機手續

The flight departed just pass midnight, so I arrived at the airport at 9pm, giving me more than enough time.  The flight departed from Terminal M, which is the major terminal of YVR.  For premium economy, you will have your own check-in counter, allowing you to experience a quicker check-in procedure.



The dedicated check-in counters for premium economy guest 高級經濟艙旅客專用值機櫃檯

The check-in procedure was pretty quick and I was handed my boarding pass in no time.



After Security 安檢後

As with many other airlines, premium economy does not grant you lounge access.  Therefore, I had a good stroll around the terminal before getting myself a good cup of coffee and a light snack from one of the few restaurants that were still open.



Overpriced but mediocre airport food 價格非常高但平庸的機場食品


I resumed hanging around the airport after I'd finished my meal to kill some time.  I came across a recently-completed 'glassed-in island forest' that was constructed as part of the Pier D expansion.  This structure is located near gate D67.

吃完飯消磨時間後,我又繼續在機場逛逛。我到了一個最近剛完工的“glassed-in island forest”,它是在 D 號航廈擴建工程的一部分。 該結構位於登機口 D67 附近。


I did not have to opportunity to fully explore this structure as it was already dark. 我沒有機會充分探索這個結構,因為當晚已經太晚了。


Not long after exploring the terminal, I settled at gate D63, where the flight to Hong Kong was boarded.  Boarding announcements were also soon made.

探索航站樓後不久,我在 D63 登機口安頓下來,這就是飛往香港的CX865航班登機閘口。不久, 登機廣播也開始通知乘客登機了。


The neighbouring gate D67 was where an EVA Airways flight boarded, headed for Taipei, Taiwan. 鄰近的 D67 號登機門是長榮航空飛往台北的航班。


Cabin Overview 機艙環境

Premium economy guests were boarded after business class guests and those who hold elite status.  Upon boarding, we were greeted warmly by the crew and I also quickly found my seat.  

特選經濟艙旅客是在商務艙旅客和擁有寰宇一家綠寶石及藍寶石的旅客登機後。 登機後,機組人員熱情地迎接我們,我也很快找到了座位。


A pillow, amenities kit and a really plush blanket were waiting at my seat 我的座位上有一個枕頭、一個過夜包和一條非常柔軟的毯子

The premium economy cabin is laid out in a 2-4-2 configuration.  My seat, 33D (an aise seat), is in the last row of the cabin.  Being in the last row of the cabin allowed me to shamelessly recline to the max.

特選經濟艙採用2-4-2佈局。 我的座位 33D(過道座位)在機艙的最後一排。 坐在機艙的最後一排讓我可以無恥地最大限度地傾斜。


Flight Experience 飛行體驗

The cabin crew then handed out a bottle of water for each of us.  A menu was also given to us:




The menu comes in English and Traditional Chinese 餐單有繁體中文和英文

2 meals were served on this flight - supper and breakfast.  Throughout the flight, you can head over to teh galley for some snacks and drinks, which include macadamia biscuits, granola bars, peanuts and some assorted fruits.  Oh, and how could I forget to mention the famous Cathay Pacific cup noodles?



As we were taxiing to the de-ice pad (which took a long time), I browsed through the extensive catalogue of the CX IFE system and finally settled into my first movie of the flight.  In order to minimise the feeling that this was going to be a long flight, I told myself that I only needed to watch 7 movies and that'd be the end of the flight.

當我們滑行到除冰地方時(這花了很長的時間),我瀏覽了國泰航空的個人娛樂系統,這有大量目錄,最後選擇了及開始觀看我的第一部在飛行時看的電影。 為了盡量減少這將是一次長途飛行的感覺,我告訴自己我只看 7 部電影就可以結束這次飛行。


You can never be too old for Doraemon! 對於哆啦A夢,你永遠不會太老!

As I started immersing myself into the movie, we also started our taxi to the runway after being de-iced.  Shame that I did not get any footage for the takeoff since I opted for the aisle seat for the sake of being able to move around freely without disturbing my seat neighbour.

當我開始沉浸在電影中時,飛機也完成了除冰程序,並開始滑行到跑道。 遺憾的是我沒有拍到任何起飛的鏡頭,因為我選擇了靠過道的座位,這是為了能夠自由走動而不會打擾其他乘客。


An hour in to the flight, we were served our meal.  According to my understanding, meals in premium economy are the same as the ones in economy, with slightly bigger portions and more "premium" cutleries.

起飛一個小時後,我們得到了餐點。 據我了解,特選經濟艙的餐和經濟艙飛機餐是一樣的,只是份量稍大,餐具也比較 “高級”。


Yikes, I realised I do not have a photo of my dinner without the cover.  Guess I was too eager to eat.

哎呀,我意識到我沒有拍攝到沒有蓋的晚餐照片。 我應該是太想吃東西了吧。


While I do not have any photo of the main dish, I can guarantee you that it tasted so good.  For the record, I went for the stir fried pork with pepper and mushroom with rice.  You could never go wrong with an Asian dish with Cathay Pacific.

雖然我沒有主菜的任何照片,但我可以向你保證它的味道非常好。 作為記錄,我點了胡椒蘑菇炒豬肉飯。 國泰航空的亞洲菜絕對不會差。


We were then also served drinks, which consists of the usual suspect - fruits juice, coffee or tea, soda and alcoholic drinks.



The lights were dimmed after meal service and I've had a few hours of solid sleep, thanks to the plush blanket and the generous seat recline and legrest/calfrest that pops out from the base of the seat.



After numerous movies, cups of coffees and lavatory runs, we were finally flying above Japan, where we encountered some strong headwinds, slowing down our progress.



We finally made it to Asia! 我們終於到達亞洲了!


After a few more hours of fiddling around, our second meal (breakfast) was finally served.  This was also when I knew we were close to landing.

過了幾個小時後,我們的第二餐(早餐)終於上來了。 這也是我知道我們即將著陸的時候。


Presentation? Meh.  Taste? Not bad 

賣相? 嗯。 品嚐? 不錯

I went for the Western option for breakfast since that is my usual go-to.  While the presentation is somewhat disappointing, it acutally tasted better than it looked, albeit somewhat too cheesy.  It is also worth noting that the coffee isn't that bad.  I'm saying this because I am a coffee snob and I don't usually like airplane coffees.

我選擇了西式早餐,因為那是我通常吃的。 雖然賣相有點令人失望,但實際上吃起來比看起來好,儘管有點太俗氣了。 還值得注意的是,咖啡還不錯。 我這麼說是因為我是一個咖啡勢利的人,而且我通常不喜歡飛機上的咖啡。


Conclusion 總結

To wrap up, this was a really enjoyable flight.  The 14-hour flight did not feel that long thanks to the wide selection of movies and comfortable seats with comfy bedding.  The extra bucks spent on premium economy definitely worth it.  If you ever see yourself flying a transpacific route with Cathay Pacific and have some extra money to spend, I'll recommend doing so and treat yourself better!

總而言之,這是一次非常愉快的飛行。 多虧了豐富的電影選擇和舒適的座椅和舒適的床上用品,14 小時的飛行並沒有感覺那麼長。 花在特選經濟艙上的額外錢是絕對值得。 如果您看到自己乘坐國泰航空的跨太平洋航線並且花一些額外的錢是絕對可以,我會建議您這樣做並更好地對待自己!



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