
I don't know how do you feel about Hong Kong people?? Actually, Hong Kong resident are very busy. If Hong Kong people have a few days of vacation, they will choose to leave this place and relax. (Except for the officials of this rubbish government)



Even traveling will not waste a minute and a second, so there are more and more early morning flights in Hong Kong, also we called red-eye flights~It is like Cathay Pacific has three red-eye flights, namely CX566 in Osaka/Kansai, CX524 in Tokyo/Narita and CX412 go to Seoul/Incheon. I don’t know if did you guys have taken it yet?? ANKY tried to take the CX566. It was really impossible to do it again. One was that you could not sleep, the other reason was that the meal was scared to death, and the third reason was that you had to take your luggage after getting off the plane and got the  baggage to different places, so ANKY tried once and never took these flights again. (Seems to have taken the CX714 Singapore-Hong Kong red-eye flight)



Since the departure time of CX566 was quite late, it wass 01:50 in the morning, so many shops in Hong Kong Airport were also closed. In addition, the passenger flights were also much less, so the boarding gate of the day was also closer to the security check and check-in counter which was Gate 21 (now called Gate 11)


  • 航班 Flight NO: CX566
  • 代碼航班 Code Share Flight : 日本航空JAL JL7050

卡塔爾航空Qatar Airways QR5838

  • 機型 Aircraft Type : A330-300 (A33PS)
  • 飛機 Call Sign : B-LBJ
  • 飛行時間 Duartion Time : 3小時05分鐘 3Hours and 5mins



The seats would not be introduced anymore, because the seats were the same as the economy class seats of Cathay Dragon,and B-LBJ was one of the planes transferred from Cathay Pacific to Cathay Dragon, so I would mainly take a look at the Red Eye flight service.



Since the flight took off at midnight and a few planes took off at midnight, the plane closed and pushback a little earlier, and taxied to the runway quickly. The plane took off on time and left Hong Kong to take us to Osaka, Japan.



飛機很快就到達了37,000呎,空服人員就把燈光調光,為什麼呢?? 因為空服已經準備好派發飛機餐。國泰航空紅眼航班的飛機餐相信大家也知道是沒有選擇的(當然你可以選擇不吃),不論你坐CX412,CX566,CX524,CX714經濟艙就是吃小吃餐盒加一包香港包裝飲料

The plane flew to 37,000 feet quickly, and the flight attendants dimmed the lights. Why?? It was because the flight attendants were ready to distribute the meals. Cathay Pacific Red Eye Flight's in-flight meal was believed to be no choice (of course you can choose not to eat), whether you took CX412, CX566, CX524, CX714 economy class were to eat a snack box plus a pack of Hong Kong packaged beverages.



裹面有甚麼東西呢?? 我就打開給大家看看,當然,跟香港台北線不一樣,不會出現因航的雞卷,而是…

What's inside?? I would open it for everyone to see. Of course, unlike the Hong Kong-Taipei route, there would not be chicken rolls, but it was...


  • 一個芝士火腿麵包 A Cheese ham bread
  • 一個曲奇餅 A cookie
  • 一個巧克力蛋糕 A chocolate cake
  • 一杯小小的水果杯 A small fruit cup
  • 飲料 : 維他檸檬茶 Beverage: Vita Lemon Tea


整個飛機餐就是這樣了,不知道大家喜不喜歡這個餐盒呢?? 老實說,其實凌晨飛機派發這個飛機餐我是覺得不錯的,因為我坐凌晨飛機比較多是會睡覺休息的,而餐盒剛好可以很快就可以吃完,然後就休息了,所以我覺得是OK的。當然,如果你說國泰的機票那麼貴只是吃這個東西,而CX504,CX520又是同價錢的話,真的是比較不值得,所以看看大家是選擇哪一樣啦~!

This was the whole flight meal. I don’t know if did you like this box? To be honest, I actually through that the flight meal ws distributed in the early morning was quite great, because I usually slept and rest on the early morning flight. The box just happened to be eaten soon, and then rested, so I through it's OK. Of course, if you said that Cathay Pacific's air tickets are so expensive, just eat this thing, and CX504 and CX520 are the same price, it was really not worth it, so see which one did you want to  choose~!


ANKY仔就睡一下又醒一下,看看飛行地圖就發現飛機已經過了日本沖繩,前往大阪中~ ANKY slept and woke up a few times. After looking at the flight map, he found that the plane had passed through Okinawa, Japan, and headed to Osaka~



The flight time to Osaka was only 1 hour and 05 minutes left, and it was predicted to arrive at Osaka at about 5:56 in the morning, Japan time.




The plane began to descend to Osaka Kansai Airport in the remaining 30 minutes. At that time, the sun did not rise, and the Japanese were sleeping, so the sky was also dark.



Finally, CX566 arrived at the boarding gate of Osaka Kansai Airport about 20 minutes early, and a Star Alliance ANA B737-800 plane was parked next to it, which seems to be flying domestic flights.




After getting off the plane, passengers on international routes had to sit train before they could arrive customs area


Although it was very early, there were already many people waiting for entry and luggage at the airport, and the luggage belt of CX566 used luggage belt No. 2 on the same day.










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