大家好,歡迎大家再次收看ANKY AND KURTIS TRAVEL為大家介紹的飛行記錄。今次,我們為大家介紹一間應該不多人會坐過的航空公司,因為我們也是有朋友坐過,又想跟大家分享的,所以才有這篇飛行記錄。

Hello everyone, welcome to watch the flight record introduced by ANKY AND KURTIS TRAVEL again. This time, we will introduce to you are an airline that should not be taken by many people, because we had friends who have taken it and he wanted to share with all of you, so we had this flight review.


這次的主角就是北韓的唯一航空公司 – 高麗航空。我們相信很多人也聽過這間航空公司,但應該就沒坐過吧!

We shared the airlines which is Koryo Air based in North Korea. We believe that many people have heard this airline, but you should have never taken it!


飛行資訊 Flight Information:


  • 航空公司 Airlines : 高麗航空 Koryo Air
  • 航班 Flight No: JS156
  • 航線 Route : 中國瀋陽 – 北韓平壤  Shenyang, China – Pyongyang, North Korea
  • 艙位 Class : 經濟艙 Economy Class
  • 飛行日期 Date of Departure : 03AUG2018
  • 飛行時間 Flying Time: 1小時10分鐘
  • 機型 Aircraft Type : 圖波列夫-204 TU-204
  • 登機門 Boarding Gate : 37


這種機型也是第一次坐的,不知道大家有坐過那哪些比較特別的機型呢?? TU-204其實是俄羅斯生產的機型,屬於小飛機(窄體飛機),現在已經很少航空公司擁有的機型了,因為載客不多,又飛不了長途,所以它也是愈來愈少了

This was a new aircraft for my friend that he never tried this aircraft type. I didn’t know did you take it before? TU-204 was actually a Russian-made model, which was a small aircraft (narrow-body aircraft). There were fewer aircraft types owned by airlines, because they could only carry fewer passengers and could not fly long distances, so there were fewer and fewer aircraft.



北韓國旗在飛機尾 North Korea flag on the tail of the plane



Let's take a look at the environment inside the aircraft. The first one was the crew seat which was the crew sat when the flight took off or landing, and the crew seat wa usually next to the door. They were the same, because the crew had to assist passengers when it was an emergency, the airline must put safety first, no matter what. Airline or aircraft type~



After that, I would show you the restrooms in economy class. The toilet was located at the end of the aircraft. After entering the toilet, it was actually the same as other airlines, but when the door of the toilet was locked, everyone could see some Russian.



Due to the toilet was at the end of the aircraft, the toilet was oblique, it was not because the toilet broken, but it just fitted the position of the aircraft's tail. The toilet paper was next to the toilet


去完洗手間就記得按鈕,清理一下 You should remember to put the button after you finished to the bathroom and cleaned it up.



The hand-washing place felt a little outdated, but the cleanliness was quite good



After visiting the lavatory, all passengers had boarded the plane, the plane had also begun to close cabin door, and the flight were ready to return to North Korea. Since the flight was only about one hour, after took off, the flight attendant would start to distribute the entry form, and then distributed the flight meal. There was only one type of flight meal, and it was bread.


麵包有甚麼東西呢?? 給大家看看~~ What's in the bread?? Let's show everyone~~



After I ate meal service, I worked hard to fill in the entry form. After completing the entry form, the plane was also descented already, so I felt that one hour passed so fast~~



飛機最後降落北韓平壤機場,並停在3號登機門 The plane finally landed at North Korea’s Pyongyang Airport and stopped at arrival gate 3



Actually, Pyongyang Airport was also great to take pictures of airplanes, of course, the weather was also beautiful.


而平壤機場大部份也是高麗航空 Most of Pyongyang Airport was also Air Koryo



Finally, North Korea's Pyongyang Airport was also welcome you after you got off the plane.



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