
Since it's my birthday in August, I went to Tokyo to celebrate it.  However, since my flight was delayed, I had to spend my birthday in the air and I also ended up arriving at the hotel past 1am.  What's worse was the last service for Yokohama departed at 21:45.  Let's see what happened.


Anky仔在1點多就到達香港國際機場辦理登機手續,飛機是停在5號登機門,所以我也去了國泰航空自己家的貴賓室-- The Deck。The Deck是位於7號登機門對面,只需上一層就到達。當時,飛機已在登機門,準備好CX500的飛行。而6號登機門就是一班由B787-9執飛的JL026前往東京羽田機場的。

I arrived at Hong Kong Intl' Airport just after 1pm.  Since the flight departed from gate5, I went to The Deck, a Cathay Pacific lounge.  This lounge is located opposite gate 7.  At that time, the aircraft was at the gate, getting ready for CX500.  At gate 6 was Japan Airlines' JL26 (787-9) bound for Tokyo Haneda.





The departure time for CX500 is 15:10, so boarding started 10 minutes behind the posted schedule.  The boarding process was smooth but since we had to wait for connecting passengers, there was a 10-minute delay to our departure.



A pillow and blanket were waiting at the seat upon boarding and drinks and hot towels were handed out to us.  I initally thought the crew serving me was Japanese since she was able to serve a Japanese elder who predominantly spoke Japanese.  This crew spoke Cantonese when she was serving me so I spoke Cantonese with her.  Flights to Japan require at least 2 cabin crew that can speak Japanese.  I noticed a second Japanese-speaking crew serving passengers in another row.


Meal orders were taken before the flight.  Since CX500 departs after 3pm, refreshments were served; although I did not notice anything different from the regular lunch service.  This is because the courses were served the same way and the portion is no different from what you'll see in lunch service.  There is a slight change in their meal service, with appetisers having 2 choices instead if just 1.







The cabin door was closed at 15:30 but pushback did not begin until 20 minutes later due to the Japan Airlines next to us having mechanical issues after pushback, so our path was blocked by it while they had to figure out a way to clear the path.  At this time, I still thought that I could make it to the NEX.  While I was putting my mind at ease, I noticed a few cabin crew counting the number of guest in the business class cabin.  This was when I realised something went wrong, and I was right - the captain told us that there were potentially missing passengers and we had to pull back into the gate.  We waited for 15 minutes until the ground crew came onboard, only to be told that they were also not sure why the numbers didn't match.  The cabin door was then once again closed for departure.  Unfortunately at this point, I already knew I was going to miss my NEX to Yokohama.  We pushed back again at 16:49 and took off after a 15-minute taxi to runway 07L.


After takeoff, the crew handed out some drinks and warm nuts.  For the drinks, I went with the white wine.  As for the Evian water, it was given out by the crew.  Being kind goes a long way.





As mentioned earlier, we can now choose from 2 options for the appetiser.  For this flight, it was either the salad or seafood.  Since the salad was already part of the meal, I chose the seafood, as it costs more.

The bread also seems to be bigger, though on the softer side.




到了主餐方面,我看到餐單的時間第一時間就看日式餐,結果沒令我失望 ,因為還是一模一樣沒改變,跟上次坐CX542一樣是雞飯。Anky仔在點餐就跟空服說又是這個日餐。她笑了一笑,我說要中餐好了,她便說好選擇。如果你常坐國泰航空應該就知道甚麼事了,因為飛機餐真的是國泰航空的要害。

When I was given the menu, I immediately looked for the Japanese option, and I wasn't disappointed.  The option was the same as the one I was served on CX542, the chicken rice.  I joked to the crew saying that the menu did not change.  She gave me a smile and I told her I would go for the Chinese option, she told me it was a good choice.  You'll understand if you're a Cathay regular, since catering is really a weakness for Cathay Pacific.



主餐後就到了冰淇淋,水果及芝士時間,Anky仔一如以往,沒有要芝士,只要了冰淇淋和水果。冰淇淋有4款,3款是普通的口味。有1款就是空服叫我試試的,因為是新的口味,馬卡龍和Haagen dazs的合作。嘗試後,Anky仔自己覺得沒太特別,因為感覺是一杯巧克力加了馬卡龍而已,味道就沒有太甜。水果就有4款。空服人員照顧得好好,知道差不多會亮起安全帶燈號,所以提早問了我要不要來一杯熱的飲料,結果她送了大約5分鐘,安全帶燈號真的亮起,飛機也經過了一段不穩定的氣流。所以說,你有禮貌,香港人一定會幫助大家的。

Ice cream, fruits and cheese were handed out after the main course was completed.  I opted out the cheese like before.  The ice cream had 4 flavours to choose from, with 3 being the ordinary options and the 4th one being a new flavour - Macaron and chocolate.  I was suggested to have a go at it but did not feel that it tasted exceptional.  As for the fruits, 4 types were provided.  The crew were also thoughtful, they took our drink order earlier knowing that there was going to be turbulence.  5 minutes later, the seatbelt sign came on and we experienced some turbulence.  Like I said, if you're nice, Hong Kongers would go the extra mile.




Anky仔在餐後,也送了一點小禮物給空服人員 ,感謝她們的熱情招待,空服經理也來我旁邊說謝謝,也為了航班晚點道歉了。空服經理,服務我的香港籍空服跟我聊天起來,才知道我去橫濱,我也告訴他們,尾班車會在日本時間21:44左右在成田空港開出,我應該沒車子出去。他們一聽到,就馬上幫我去問了及告訴日本東京的地勤人員。結果落地後,我找了地勤,他們就問我是不是19K座位的旅客,證明空服是幫助的通知了地勤。地勤也幫我找了一條可以到達橫濱的交通,雖然比較復複雜,但只少也可以到達橫濱,日本的地勤也幫忙付的士費了,在此也謝謝他們。所以還是這句,你有禮貌,每個人也會幫你的,也要感謝大家的幫忙。希望大家看完也做一個有禮貌的人阿~

After the meal service, I handed out small treats to the crew in appreciation of their passionate service.  The cabin manager also came around and thanked me and apologised for the delay.  We had a chat and that's when he knew I was going to Yokohama and that the last service would depart from 21:44.  Knowing that I was going to miss the service, they informed the ground crew in Tokyo to make some special arragements.  As I thought, I was asked if I was seated at 19K after arriving in Tokyo and they reimbursed my taxi to Yokohama.  I couldn't emphasise enough how being polite goes a long way.





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