Introduction 簡介

EVA Airways is 1 of the 2 airlines that fly between Vancouver and Taipei, with the other being China Airlines.  In this review, let's have a look at how EVA performs on this route.




Check-in 辦理登機手續

Check-in for all international flights are in the Main Terminal. 


EVA Airways 777-300ER Economy

The entrance of the Main Terminal from the train station 從火車站到主航站樓的入口

Check-in took a while as there were large groups of passengers being checked in at the time I was queueing up.


EVA Airways 777-300ER Economy

A decorative pond found after security. 安檢後有一個裝飾性的水塘。

Boarding 登機

As 1 of the last 2 flights leaving YVR (with the other also being China Airlines), the terminal was fairly empty.  You could easily find empty seats in the terminal to charge your device and escape from the crowd.


EVA Airways 777-300ER Economy

The vast majority of the gates are empty. 絕大多數的登機門都是空的。

Boarding commenced 35 mintues before departure.  For those who flew with EVA for the first time (myself included), the procedure was initially a mess.  This is because although the boarding pass was marked with a zone number, there were no queues for each boarding zone, hence passengers just 'created' their own lanes and the entire gate area became cramped and messy.

起飛時間前 35 分鐘左右開始登機。 對於那些第一次乘坐 長榮航空的人(包括我自己)來說,登機的程序和處理是以一團糟形容。 雖然登機證上標有區域編號,但每個登機區域都沒有隊伍或指示,乘客只是自行創建的隊伍及通道,整個登機口區域變得擁擠又凌亂。

EVA Airways 777-300ER Economy

A sign indicating that passengers will be boarded by zones. 指示乘客將按區域登機的標誌。

With overhead bin space being limited on these busy flights, having lanes created for each boarding zone would have benefited those who need to secure the bin space.


EVA Airways 777-300ER Economy

Here's a Cathay Pacific 777-300ER departing for Hong Kong 國泰航空的B777-300ER出發前往香港

Cabin 機艙

The cabin is laid out in a 3-3-3 configuration, which is a roomier version of the 777-300ER, with a lot of airlines tend to configure their 777s in a 3-4-3 configuration.

機艙採用 3-3-3 配置,這是 777-300ER 的更寬敞版本,很多航空公司傾向將 777經濟艙的配置改為 3-4-3 配置。

Upon boarding, blankets and pillows were placed on each seat.

EVA Airways 777-300ER Economy

The pillows are all in this Sanrio Family theme 枕頭都是Hello Kitty主題

At 33 inch, EVA's 777s have above-the-average legroom in the industry.  If you have a similar build as I do, you have plenty of room to stretch your legs without your knees touching the seat in front of you.

長榮 777 的經濟艙座位是 33 英寸,腿部空間高於業內平均。 如果您的體型與我相似,那麼您就有足夠的空間伸展雙腿,而膝蓋不會碰到前面的座位。

EVA Airways 777-300ER Economy

Some extra legroom is always appreciated on long flights like this

EVA Airways 777-300ER Economy

The IFE screens are also wide 個人電視也很大

Inflight Service 機上服務

We departed late for reasons unknown to us, which was kind of weird as the China Airlines parked next to us departed on time.  With de-ice service being necessary that evening, it further delayed the flight.

我們不知道為何延誤了,這有點奇怪,因為停在我們旁邊的中華航空準時起飛。 由於當晚還需要除冰服務,航班進一步延誤。

We were served our meals approximately 30 minutes after takeoff.  The meal was a dinner with 2 options - pork noodles or chicken congee.  I went for the pork noodles.

起飛後大約 30 分鐘,我們開始用餐。 這頓飯是一頓晚餐,有兩種選擇——豬肉麵或雞肉粥。 我選擇了豬肉麵。

EVA Airways 777-300ER Economy

EVA Airways 777-300ER Economy

With many airlines serving their buns cold, I was pleasantly surprised that EVA warms their bread rolls before they are served.  This makes it a more positive experience as warm buns are always tastier and are easier to spread the butter.

很多航空公司的麵包都是冷的,但長榮航空在提供麵包捲之前先將其加熱,這讓我感到驚訝。 這成為一種更好的體驗,因為熱麵包總是更美味並且更容易塗抹奶油。

The meal was also very delicious, with an appetizer, dessert and fruits served.


The meal trarys were taken away after the service and the lights were dimmed shortly after.  Given that this flight departed at 2am, I was desparately in need of sleep.  I then dozed off quickly and comfortably.

飛機餐結束後,餐盤被拿走,燈光很快就變暗了。 考慮這趟航班是凌晨 2 點起飛,我非常需要睡眠。 然後我很快又舒服地就睡著了。

After a solid 4 - 5 hours of sleep, I woke up to use the lavatory.  To my slight disappointment, the lavatory was not consistently cleaned and there were tissues on the floor as well as water droplets.

經過四、五個小時的睡眠後,我醒來去上廁所。 令我有點失望的是,廁所沒有持續清潔,地板上有紙巾和水滴。

EVA Airways 777-300ER Economy

On a positive note, it was stocked with amenities such as body lotion, hand sanitiser, toothbrush, eyemasks and paper cups.


EVA Airways 777-300ER Economy

EVA Airways 777-300ER Economy

These paper cups are useful when you want to brush your teeth but do not have a cup. 


A second meal (breakfast) was served 2.5 hours before our arrival.  It was an option between a western option and another that I forgot.  I went with the western option, which was also a pleasant surprise as the scrambled egg was really runny, unlike other airlines which make it taste like rubber.

第二餐(早餐)在我們抵達前 2.5 小時前供應。 這是西方選擇,但我忘記了另一個選擇。 我選擇了西式選項,它很有驚喜,炒蛋真的很稀,不像其他航空公司那樣嘗起來像橡膠。

They also went creative with the bread, serving a heated croissant instead of the usual bun.


EVA Airways 777-300ER Economy

EVA Airways 777-300ER Economy

We then arrived in Taipei Taoyuan Airport about 30 minutes behind schedule.


Final Thoughts 最後感覺

This was a generally very positive experience, with seat comfort and catering being the star.  Apart from the lavatory, another let down was the the professional but slightly hostile attitude of the cabin crew.  They are polite but not friendly, which seem to be an issue with Taiwanese airlines as this is also what I experienced with my previous trips on China Airlines.

這是一次非常正面的體驗,座椅舒適度和餐飲是本次航班的亮點。 除了洗手間之外,第二個比較失望的是機組人員非常專業但略帶敵意的態度。 他們很有禮貌,但不友好,這似乎是台灣航空公司的一個問題,因為這也是我以前乘坐中華航空的經歷。

With all things said, it would've been a perfect experience if the crew were friendlier and the boarding process being clearer to understand.


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