
Since Cathay Pacific retired the B777-200 aircraft, ANKY also felt that I had very little chance to get on it. One of them was to take the CX503 aircraft back to Hong Kong from Osaka, and it happened to be the first CX566 red-eye flight.



There were only 4 traditional airlines flying between Osaka and Hong Kong, including Cathay Pacific, Hong Kong Airlines, All Nippon Airways(ANA) and Air India. Cathay Pacific had 6 flights between Osaka and Hong Kong every day. It was the airline with the most flights, and all Japan lines were also code-sharing flights with Japan Airlines, so oneworld was the biggest winner of the Osaka-Hong Kong line.


大阪關西機場辦理登機手續資訊 Osaka Kansai Airport check-in information



航班資訊 Flight Information:

  • 航班 Flight : CX503
  • 機型 Aircraft Type : B777-200
  • 艙位 CLASS : 經濟艙
  • 飛行日期 Date Of Departure : 29DEC2019
  • 飛機 Call Sign : B-HNC
  • 座位 Seats : 72C



As the plane was full, ANKY couldn't choose the window seat, only sat in the aisle seat of the window side. Cathay Pacific's B777-200 and the old B777-300 economy class seat configuration also used 3-3-3, but the 71st and 72nd rows are 2-3-2, and the B777-200 economy class was the old long-haul flight The seat was not a shell seat.

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I through this kind of seat was much better than the shell seat, because the seat was not only comfortable, also the seat could be seat back relax, passengers could rest, and the tray table could be folded up, and the personal TV was also larger.

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In terms of business class, it was really exactly the same as the regional B777-300, and it was also a 2-3-2 seat configuration, and the seat was also the one that could not lie flat~

The flight attendants would ask the passengers if they needed blankets or pillows after they boarded the plane. The flight purser would check the special meals for the passengers and greeted the passengers with diamond cards.

起飛後 After Took Off


Since CX503 was an airplane at around 10 o'clock in the morning, the meal was served lunch. Before the tray was distributed, the flight attendants would distribute peanuts and drinks first, and then they distributed the tray. CX503’s flight meal was uploaded in Japan. There were two types of meals on the day, one was Japanese chicken with Japanese rice, the other was mushroom beef with mashed potatoes, the appetizer was Japanese soba, and a soft bread. A glass of water and HAAGEN-DAZS ice cream dessert.


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日式雞肉配日本飯Japanese Chicken with Japanese Rice


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蘑茹牛肉配薯蓉 Mushroom beef with mashed potatoes

不知道大家想吃哪個呢?? I don't know which one do you want to eat??



After the flight meal was distributed, the flight attendant would come out to distribute tea and coffee separately~~


大家看到嗎?? 飛機真的是全滿~~

Could you see it?? The plane was really full~~



After the plane flew over Taiwan and turned right, it began to descend to Hong Kong. Since Hong Kong was still in the  Anti-Extradition Law Amendment Bill Movement  on the day of the flight, the flight decreased, so the plane arrived at Hong Kong International Airport earlier than the original time, and passengers rushed to disembark after the plane stopped.

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